Reference websites
Hawaii Cesspool Prioritization Tool
View locations of cesspools on Oahu, ranked by which have the greatest chances of causing harm to people and the environment. There are more than 90 cesspools (37 of which are waterfront homes) in Kaimalino and another two on Kailua Beach are all ranked top priority – greatest contamination hazard.
City and County of Honolulu Storm Water Conduit Map
The primary purpose of this Geodatabase is to store a comprehensive inventory of storm water conduits to meet NPDES permit requirements. This is very useful for tracking the upslope sources of pollution flowing from specific storm water outfalls into our waterways.
City and County Resources
Department of Facility Maintenance – 808-768-3343
Responsible for the decision of when to open the berm and obtaining permits to do it. Currently, there is a permit that allows for regular stream maintenance for Kaelepulu Stream. There is also a permit in place for emergency openings.
Gene C. Albano, P.E., Director and Chief Engineer
1000 Uluohia Street, Suite 215 Kapolei, Hawaii 96707
Main Phone: 808-768-3343
Cleaning culverts and channels – 808-768-3600
Thomas Takeuchi –
Drainage Engineer, Department of Facility Maintenance-Division of Road Maintenance
Sets schedule for regular stream maintenance Oahu-wide
There is currently no commitment from DFM to do any maintenance openings for Kaelepulu stream in 2024. There were no maintenance openings in 2023.
Facilities Maintenance – Kailua Yard – 808-261-5590
These are the people who open the stream-mouth in emergencies. They are also responsible for maintaining and clearing out any hardened culverts and storm drains that bring so much trash into Kaelepulu Pond. Call them to report problems. Best to call early in the morning.
Jimmy Kia is the Kailua Yard Supervisor 898-768-3581
Kailua Neighborhood Board
A dedicated, elected group of volunteers who interface with the city to inform officials on Kailua community concerns. Best to attend the monthly meeting on the first Thursday of the month and speak – 3 minute maximum. Link to meeting agendas and minutes.
Bill Hicks, Chair,
City Officials
Mayor Rick Blangiardi
530 South King Street, Room 300
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Phone: 808-768-4141
Esther Kiaʻāina
City Council
Phone: 808-768-5003
State Resources
Department of Health, Clean Water Branch 808-586-4309
E-mail them at
DLNR – Department of Land and Natural Resources
Phone: 808-643-3567
DOCARE – Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement
Report Violations, such as unauthorized people in wetlands, illegal nets, etc.
Main phone: 808-587-0066
Enforcement: 643-DLNR (808-643-3567)
Or get the DOCARE App on your phone. Search for the DLNRTip app on iPhone or Google Play
Federal Resources
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
If you are seeing an environmental event that may lead to an immediate threat to human health or the environment, call 911, then report it to the National Response Center at 800-424-8802. Learn the difference between a possible violation and an emergency.
There is a Contact-Us link on the EPA website. Their address is:
JKK Federal Building
300 Ala Moana Blvd.
Room 5-152
Honolulu HI 96850
US Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Office
The Army Corps of Engineers is involved in decisions and issuing permits allowing the opening of the sand berm at the Kaelepulu Stream mouth.
Building 252
Fort Shafter, HI 96858-5440
(808) 835-4303
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